Student Life at LWCS should help them develop academically as well as spiritually. Our goal is to help each student tap into their God given talents and gifts.
Clubs & Activities

Science Club

Cooking Club

Dance Club

Garden Club

Chapel Band

Lego Club

All students attend weekly chapel. Chapel is led by LWCS teachers that have Biblical foundations. Chapel is an interactive and engaging time for students to learn and participate in Bible lessons with the entire school. During Wednesday Chapel service students praise, worship, hear the taught word of God, and pray. Parents are welcome to join in-person or via Zoom.
Conduct of Honor
The primary goal of the discipline program at Living Water Christian School is to ensure that our students are responsive and obedient to God’s authority through His written word on all matters (Psalms 119:11; Hebrews 12:6-11).
All students at LWCS are expected to abide by the Code of Honor as follows:
1. I will not damage the school, church, or other student’s property.
2. If I do damage the above-mentioned property, I will replace or repair it.
3. I will be truthful.
4. I will use proper language.
5. I will not cheat on tests or copy other’s homework.
6. I will be obedient to the authorities of the school (school teachers and staff).
7. I will be courteous and cooperative towards teachers, staff and other students.
8. I will do my work to the best of my ability.
9. I will uphold the policies and standards of LWCS both on and off campus.
The learning environment becomes difficult without guidelines. At LWCS students are given clear expectations and teachers model the expected behavior. Students are corrected and disciplined in love with an opportunity for prayer, forgiveness, and reconciliation through restorative practices.